What is the meaning of GCE
GCE is the abbreviation of General Certificate Education which is a public examination in most countries, especially the Cameroon GCE Results 2024 . The certificates are the awards obtained from the Anglo-Saxons Cameroon secondary schools. The GCE Results 2024 certificate is of two stages, the first one which is the GCE O’level. It takes 5 years to obtain this certificate but the syllabus for this certificate begins in form 3 and ends in form 5. This, therefore, implies that students between form 3 to form 5 are qualified to write the GCE O’level. Secondly, the GCE A’Levels exam is written in High school by students who had passed the GCE O’levels in at least 4 papers. 2 Papers are considered as a pass in the A’levels.
In addition, the GCE A’levels is an entry qualification for universities in Cameroon and any other part of the world.
Furthermore, the GCE Results 2024 is a UK system of education that was adopted by Anglo-Saxon Cameroonians.
Also, there is also, the GCE O’level and A’Level for Technical schools in Cameroon. Technical Education is a Mandatory examination that certifies completion of lower secondary vocational education programs. Technical education is a program usually for students wishing to pursue an upper secondary education.
In addition, passing the GCE OL technical Education allows the reintegration of students into the system for the next appropriate grade.
The GCE O’level general and Technical Education comprises three compulsory subjects including English, French, and Mathematics.

Brief History About GCE Results 2024
The different sections of Cameroon GCE were first organized as follows; The CGCE for the General subjects began in June 1994, the CGCE for the Technical section started in the year June 1995, and. For the Baccalaureat Technique and Related Examinations in June 1997.
The CGCE Board is responsible for organizing examinations by the end of each Academic year for students writing the GCE O’level and A’levels but in the technical and the general sections. The GCE Board’s main office is situated in Buea headquarters in the southwest region of Cameroon. Also, the CGCE Board was set in place in the year 1993 as a body to set up public examinations that is supervised by the Minister of secondary education.
When is the GCE examination Written
The General Certificate of Education exams usually begin with practicals in the month of may for science students while the written part begins in the month of June. This year 2024, the GCE will begin on May 28, 2024, and ends on Friday, July 26, 2024 at 3:30 p.m, which is a decision taken by the minister of secondary Education Madam Nalova Lyonga.
Grading System Of the Cameroon GCE Results 2024
Letters are used to grade students after sitting for the GCE examination and it is a system that is been practiced by the GCE board in Cameroon for the examination it set.
Letter grades are used and below is the grading system used by the Cameroon GCE board for the examinations it administers:
Grading system in the GCE Results 2024 O’levels
The GCE Results 2024 in Cameroon has grades A to E for O’levels for which the highest grade is the A grade and the lowest grade is the U grade. The passing grade for students in the O’levels ranges from A to C and the pass grades are given points, with the A grade having 3 points, B grade having 2 points and C grade having 1 point while D, E, F, and U are all failing grades.
Grading System in the GCE Results 2024 A’Levels
Also, the GCE Results 2024 A’levels is also graded using letters and the grades rangest from A to F. The A level grades also have points associated with it With The highest point A has 5 points which marks ranging from 75 to 100 and the E grade has 1 point which has marks ranging from 50 to 60. The passing grade in the Advanced level ranges from grade A to E and The fail grade begins from F but only the letters F, O, and are used for a fail grade in the advanced level. The O grade is also called Compensatory, that which the student needed just a few marks to get a pass mark while is F grade is considered that the student did not make any effort.
The Different Sessions in the CGCE
The Cameroon General Certificates of Education is a very strict examination that does not plays with punctuality except otherwise. The CGCE has two sessions. The morning and the afternoon sessions. The morning session begins at exactly 8: 00 Am and lasts for 1 hour 30 minutes for paper one but for ordinary and advanced level for the general section while the afternoon session begins at 1: 00 pm and last for 2 hours 30 minutes for ordinary level students and 3 hours for advanced level students except for advanced level Physics that last for 2 hours 30 minutes.
The Structure of the CGCE for the Vocational or Technical schools
In Cameroon and other parts of the world, the system of education is almost the same. There is always the General section which usually carries the vast majority and the vocational or technical schools section.
The system of learning and the way the exams are being set for the General and the Technical is totally different. In the syllabus of the technical or Vocational exam, the students are expected to answer questions on professional and other Related professional subjects which are all compulsory including English and French as in the case of the General section. Also, in the Technical exams, the students are allowed to select any two(2) or three(3) subjects in the module of many different subjects to make a maximum selection of 11 subjects out of their likeness.
In addition, if Religion studies is selected as a module of other subjects, it is not considered as Relevant as will not necessarily be the eleventh subject. Also, subjects like Mathematics is considered Related Professional subjects for students in the industrial section. Mathematics paper 2 usually has two sections one section for the industrial students and the other section for Commercial students.
Structure of the different papers in the Technical GCE Results 2024
In the technical GCE examinations, every subject has at least 2 papers and not more than 3 for other subjects.
- There is paper one (1) also called MCQ which lasts for 1 hour 30 minutes (1 1/2hrs).
- Also, there is the problem-solving section or essay which is paper 2 and lasts for at most 3 hours.
- And also paper 3 also known as the practical section lasts also for 3 hours.
- There is also an internship which is also linked to paper 3 of one of the professional subjects that is only specified by the panel.
Conditions for Pass or Fail in the Technical GCE Results 2024
In other, for students to obtain a pass in the technical CGCE at the Intermediate Level, a student is supposed to pass in not less than five (5) papers or subjects including Two(2) professional subjects and also one(1) Related professional subjects.
To add if a student can pass in a single subject if the student is not able to meet up with the condition of his or her specialty. But if a student is absent in of the professional subjects, it will cause the student not to have a pass mark in his or her specialty. Even though such a student is still able to obtain a pass in a single subject.
Furthermore, students who wish to register for the technical GCE Results 2024 examination at the Intermediate Level are supposed to show proof of promotion to form five usually from a class council decision.
The examination setting process of the CGEB
The GCE board usually have a series of process before the examination are set up for students to write.
When it comes to GCE Results 2024 in Cameroon syllabus plays a key role in the assessment of the GCE Results 2024 examinations. In the process, the syllabus is often provided in the form of papers on the Internet. The syllabus is usually provided in other to give an outline summary of topics that teachers are supposed to cover before the examination period or a training program. The syllabus provided usually contains specific information about a particular course or program. The syllabus also provides an outline regulation of what should be covered in a particular course
Also, there is also what is known as Question Moderation. Before the process, individuals like the subject officials, Assessors, Chief and assistant examiners, and old experienced Examiners are usually invited to meet at the GCE Results 2024 board for about 3 to 5 days to carry out an exercise known as Question Moderation.
The Certificate of the GCE Results 2024
The CGCEB usually offers certificates for candidates of the GCE Results 2024 after a period of six months from the time when the results are out and the certificates are distributed to the different centers where the exams were written for distribution. The certificates are issued only to the candidates who actually owns the Certificates or to someone that actually shows some proof to claim take certificate. The certificates are usually available around the end of march after the exams have been published.
Also, external candidates for the GCE Results 2024 need to present their National ID Card to the chief of the center before collecting their certificates. After the month of March, the Chief of the center then returns the certificates back to the board for those who did not collect their certificates. Those who fail or who did not collect their certificates at the level of the chief of the center will be required to pay a penalty at the GCE Head office or at the Buea Regional office in Bamenda.
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O/l Marketing
I need just the link for the results 2024 please. Thanks